Apply for an IPMN Travel Grant

If you would like to be considered for Monetary travel assistance for a trip to Palestine, please send a request to Dave Jones, the IPMN Treasurer, at  He will discuss the request with the co-moderators of the Israel/Palestine Mission Network Steering Committee (IPMN) and they will make a recommendation to the full steering committee.

Some of the criteria for giving travel assistance includes the following questions:

  • Will the trip expose one to Palestinian life under occupation in the West Bank or Gaza through tours, interviews, lectures, conferences, or work?

  • Is the trip sponsored by a reputable and experienced organization?

  • Is the applicant active in a church or NGO with a history of human rights involvement?

  • Does the applicant have an existing network through which they can share their experiences and encourage others to get involved in Palestinian human rights issues?

  • Is this their first time traveling to Palestine?

If you want travel assistance, please send an email to David Jones with a short description of why you want to go and how you will work for Palestinian human rights when you return.  Your request should include:

  • A description of the trip, including its purpose.

  • The organization sponsoring the trip.

  • Your personal background.

  • A statement of why you want to go on the trip.

  • A description of how you will share their experiences when you return from the trip.

  • The amount of travel assistance requested.

The cost of going to Palestine is often about $600-$1000 for program registration feeds that usually include lodging and meals, $1000-$1,500 for airfare, and $200-$300 for travel in Palestine. Travel assistance is usually in the range of $500 to $1000.  IPMN has limited money for travel assistance, so the amount of assistance to an individual may depend on how many people are requesting assistance.